Gli Amici di Utange - Svizzera
Sede c/o Avv. Maurizio Ferrari
Via Trevano 87 - 6901 Lugano (CH)
LIFOG Community
David M. Lewa
LiFoG Managing Director
Mob: +254 727 770867
A fountain of life and development
To be a role model community based organization aimed at promoting awareness on health, social and economic problems caused by drug abuse in the community.
To see healthy, socially and economically empowered community free of drug abuse.
The Living Fountain of Grace (LIFOG) is a community based organization (CBO) that was formed with a view to address the problem of drug abuse and it is now committed to the campaign against the taking of the various types of drugs whether negative or hard which have affected the society so much due to misuse.
This is a non-political, non-profit making and non- partisan organization based at Utange-Mombasa District and registered with the Kenya Government Registration n°: SS/MSA/CD/SH/15/06/09/458.
The group was established in October 2004 as a membership organization with members volunteering their time and resources through three working programmes namely:
Anti drug abuse initiative, orphans and widows initiative and LIFOG development programme.
LIFOG believes that too much use of dangerous drugs is a public menace which hinders the development of any nation as it involves those who still have the potential, capacity and strength to spear-head the nation to prosperity. Thus concerted efforts are required to reduce if not eradicating completely this menace.
The following are the objectives of the group:
To educate, guide and counsel victims of drug abuse.
To enable the community become aware of the risks involved in drug abuse.
To encourage the community engage in gainful social and economic activities.
To form networking with other like-minded community based organizations.
Anti drug abuse initiative.
The aim of this programme is to:-
Carry out a survey to establish the impact of drug abuse in the society and the drug abuse victims.
Provide family therapy and counselling including awareness presentations in schools, religious and secular institutions. This is done by conducting workshops, seminars on drugs and such related issues.
Fight for the recovery and well-being of people addicted to drugs through concern, care provision and mutual support.
Orphans and widows initiative.
The programme aims to:-
Identify orphans and widows in the area.
Instil hope and a sense of being to the orphans and the widows by counselling them, all the time to forget the loss they incurred through their loved ones.
Assist them to engage in small but significant income generating activities for their betterment.
LIFOG development programme:
The aim of this programme is to enhance and encourage the community to engage in development projects. Thus the programme deals with the following activities:-
LIFOG Bank (LB), where a savings and credit society operates for the benefit of the whole community.
Live Small Scale Farming (LSSF), where members and the community get education and information on all types of farming activities such as agriculture, livestock and fish farming. Rains at the Coast Province are always un predictable throughout the year. LIFOG now facilitates for the provision to the local community, a permanent source of clean water, BOREHOLES here taking the centre stage. Water obtained is used for many different purposes such as maintaining proper sanitation, in domestic purposes etc, apart from making the LSSF activity a success.
Life and Health (LaH), where information and all general health care services are offered.
Living Education (LE), where civic education on many other issues is offered as well as formal education and sponsorship for orphans and the underprivileged children of the society.
Fountain Business Enterprise (FBE). Here, information on small-scale business entrepreneurship is obtained LIFOG itself demonstrating to act as a role model.
P.O. BOX 84 – 80100 MOMBASA
Tel: +254-727-770867
Contact Persons
Mr. David M. Lewa – Managing Director